Application for Accreditation

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The purpose of the Officials Association Accreditation Program is to assist officials organizations in their efforts to provide quality officiating by establishing standards that promote effective education and training procedures and desirable professional behavior.


Please list the sport and then the number of members
Please list the sport and then the number of members
Please list the sport and then the number of members
Please list the sport and then the number of members
Please list the sport and then the number of members
For publication
Type of Organization *
Please select the two options that apply


By checking the box below I agree, as a condition of accreditation, to comply with the following conditions:

1. No one will be denied membership or access due to race, color, creed, religion, sex or national origin.
2. All federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding fiduciary responsibility and reporting will be followed where applicable.
3. Each member shall not have been convicted of a sexual offense, a crime against a minor, or a crime involving illegal drugs which would prohibit contact with minors.
4. In all CIF sports, where rules are written by the National Federation, the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) Rules Book shall be official. Official associations shall instruct using NFHS rules and mechanics.

As a condition of accreditation to comply with the above conditions *
* required field